
Today I became vegan. And I feel great!

On a short break I took from work to come home for lunch, I felt a sudden desire to meditate. I went into my bedroom, opened the windows, sat on the bed, and looked outside at the trees and open sky.

This might sound crazy to some of you, but for the first time since I was little, I could see the life in everything around me. I felt like my breath was synchronized with the wind blowing through the trees. The colors in nature looked so bright and rich, and I was a part of them. I felt just as alive as everything around me!

See? I told you you'd think I'm crazy. :) But I feel so good about this change, that I can't just keep it to myself and figured I have nothing to lose if I share it. After all, if you want to have a balanced circle of friends, you need a few crazy ones, too, right?

In case you are wondering, I expect this journey to be difficult at first. I know 24 years of eating animals and animal products can't just be erased in mere days. I'm aware my body might resist this change at first and feel weak, and I'm aware I might feel miserable as my body purges itself of all the toxins stocked up in it. I'm aware that I have to plan my meals in advance and re-think how I combine ingredients to make sure I get all the protein and calcium I need, among other nutrients.

But this change feels right at this point.
My motivation? Reducing my carbon footprint, living in harmony with the life around me, being more healthy, and becoming more conscious of the life inside me.

My help? My body. Even though I'm asking my body to undergo a drastic change, I believe that by feeding my body a plant-, vegetable-, grain-, and cereal-diet only, I am respecting it, and I trust it to respect me in return and help me feel healthy, strong, and beautiful. :)

Here's to day one!


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