Getting Started

I had prepared for this journey for a couple of months prior to starting. I've analyzed the Vegan Food Pyramid, I read about how to combine foods, as well as how not to combine foods. I tried to envision all the dishes containing animal products that I ate and enjoyed, and planned ahead: could I live without them?  Could I cook them without animal products in them? What are some substitutes for eggs and milk? Are they healthy? How much of that could I eat?

Basically, I tried to do everything I could in order to increase my odds of successfully staying on the vegan diet once I got started. And, I have to say, so far, so good.

Day one and two I happened to be at work, working 10 hours a day. I did not have much time to prepare my meals in advance, but I had some backup plans.

Day one, I'm not going to lie, all I had for the first part of the day was a soy latte and LOTS of green and herbal tea. At lunch, I rushed home and put in the blender a splash of coconut milk, along with some frozen organic berries (strawberries, blueberries, marionberries and raspberries), a fresh banana, and some ice. It was an experiment and it resulted in a thick smoothie - similar to the consistency of sorbet ice cream. It was refreshing and filling (lots of fiber)!

Then I went back and continued to slave away in the newsroom :) and when I got off work around 8 p.m., I treated myself to a nice stir-fry vegan dish from one of my favorite eateries in town, 3 Forks.
Food felt so good at this point!

I continued to have large quantities of tea throughout the day. I've been very, very thirsty constantly. My lips are dry, although I always have my tea mug next to me and I sip intermittently. I'd say I drink about eight glasses of liquid a day... and I still feel very dehydrated.

Day two, I started with breakfast from Cafe Yumm: brown rice, Stir-fried tofu (in place of eggs), and a vegan vegetable fritter. Very filling! For lunch, I had the same smoothie as the previous day, and for dinner, I had an organic soup with brown rice and borlotti beans, some fresh carrots, and a kiwi.

I know what you're thinking: quite the start --I have yet to cook a vegan meal for myself. Well, allow me and I will demonstrate my abilities to cook not just vegan dinners, but delicious vegan dinners.

By Sunday, I felt a little light-headed, but I think it's also due, in part, to the fact that I haven't been eating sweets since I went vegan-- and I have been used to having cake, cookies, or chocolate every day.


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